News in Specialty Vision Products

Specialty Soft Lenses for Irregular Astigmatism

Specialty Soft Lenses for Irregular Astigmatism

Patients with high myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or those outside of the bell curve can be fit special custom soft lenses personalized to their needs.

Optics is a Science – A Design Consultant’s Perspective

Optics is a Science – A Design Consultant’s Perspective

Contact lens fitting allows us to put known optical principles to work in a creative way. It can be a fun challenge if we start with a healthy understanding of what data is needed to put our best foot forward.

Educating Patients on Indications for Custom Soft Lenses

Educating Patients on Indications for Custom Soft Lenses

While many patients and practitioners believe soft contacts are only for mild to moderate refractive errors, nothing could be further from the truth.

Maximizing Custom Soft Lens Design Success with the “Fit First” Philosophy

Maximizing Custom Soft Lens Design Success with the “Fit First” Philosophy

Let’s discuss here how you can make your practice standout and be different than your competitors by offering customized designs.

Differentiate a Practice Through Specialty Contact Lens Fits

Differentiate a Practice Through Specialty Contact Lens Fits

Having a knowledgeable consultation team is handy when fitting patients with specialty contact lenses.

Is it the lens or the eye? Avoiding contact lens drop-outs.

Dry Eye Causes and Patient Symptoms / Complaints

Let’s take a more detailed look at this condition and how it may impact contact lens wear.

Is it the lens or the eye? Avoiding contact lens drop-outs.

Scleral Lenses: A solution for dry eye

Due to the fluid reservoir that constantly bathes and protects the ocular surface, scleral lenses are ideal for presbyopic patients who often have concomitant dry eye.

Is it the lens or the eye? Avoiding contact lens drop-outs.

Is it the lens or the eye? Avoiding contact lens drop-outs

At times, lens materials and cleaning solutions can be altered to improve contact lens comfort/surface issues, but at other times it may be the ocular surface that is causing the problem.

ABB’s New Dry Eye Division

ABB’s New Dry Eye Division

ABB’s education topics include an overview of the dry eye care portfolio, staff training, and ways to find potential dry eye patients in your practice.