NaturalVue® Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day™

With traditional multifocal lenses, compromised vision and dryness can be roadblocks to successful wear. For presbyopes, especially for those 55+, contact lens dryness can be a burden. For myopes, the significant time looking at digital devices can contribute to dry eye symptoms. NaturalVue® Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day™ helps address contact lens discomfort while delivering unique optics for patients, no matter their age. With the TripleTear™ lubrication system, three comfort agents, including hyaluronic acid, work together to provide hydration and lubrication, lock-in moisture and maintain a clean surface to stabilize tears.
Product Benefits
- Preferred 4:1 over other multifocal contact lenses
- In a clinical study, wearers gave higher ratings to NaturalVue® Enhanced Multifocal for vision in everyday situations vs. their current correction
- With NaturalVue®, 92% of daily activities can be completed without using glasses
Lens Material
etafilcon A
Lens Packaging
30 Pk / 90 Pk
Lens Water Content
Lens Wearing Schedule
Daily Disposable
Lens Trial Available