Renovation® Multifocal

The Nation's #1 Multifocal GP!

The Renovation and Renovation E multifocal are developed with the needs of the mature presbyope in mind making it perfectly suited for patients with add powers of +2.25D or more.

The Renovation Multifocal is ideal for:

  • All presbyopic patients, even the mature presbyope with an add power of +2.25D or higher
  • Patients who need good vision at all distances, including intermediate distance vision for computer use
  • Patients with solid motivation and realistic expectations

The Renovation Multifocal design includes:

  • A flexible, front surface eccentricity control platform designed to reduce spherical aberration, allowing the patient to translate into the near zone without optical distortion.
  • An adjustable distance zone diameter to accommodate patients with large or small pupils.
  • Proprietary thickness control to maximize lens centration and wearing comfort even in lenses with higher add powers.
  • Advanced ray tracing technology to ensure proper focus of near, intermediate and distance power ranges with all parameter combinations

The Renovation E Multifocal design includes:

  • Combining the power of Renovation’s flexible front surface control with base curve Eccentricity.

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